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Interesting issues on our Endura

Yahoo Message Number: 370
We just returned last night from 3600 Miles, Phoenix to Clinton, MS, To
Mobile, AL, to home with lots of stops in our 2004 Endura. The Truck
ran like a champ, but I had a couple of VERY interesting issues in the
Coach. On the way to Clinton one of the drawers below the closet in the
bedroom slide fell out. When we tried to put it back we realized that
the Framework holding the drawers has fallen down and could no long
hold the drawers. Upon investigation, I found that the whole back
framework for the drawers was being held up by about 10 staples driven
though the closet floor. I quickly put about a dozen 1" screws and it
held up coming home. Once at home I built spacers to hold up the
framework from the floor below too. I don't believe it will fall down
again. Shortly after that we noticed that the Pocket door between the
living area and the bath was sagging badly. I determined that the track
had been attached to the ceiling using 6 1/2" screws - 3 of which had
fallen out. I put it back up this morning using 5 1/4 by 1 1/2" lag
bolts (I couldn't reach the one furthest back). I seriously doubt it
will fall down again. I am somewhat dismayed that the building wouldn't
even work in a house let alone in a house driving on the rough
interstates of the USA!!!

Re: Interesting issues on our Endura

Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 371
Kent, those are the kinds of problems we had with our Winnebago Journey. Very tiny screws in the table leg - it fell out and down it went. Dealer put a slightly longer one in. It fell out and down it came. I put a proper long one in and it stayed up.

The pocket door between the bath and galley jumped off the tracks. What an ordeal. The door frame had to come off to fix it. They fixed it and it jumped off the track. The problem - no stop and one of the wheels would run off the track whenever it went in an inch more than flush when we opened it. Our floor tiles in the bath area popped up. Fixed and popped. Fixed for a third time and popped (and you could cut your feet on them). The interior walls were shifting and causing the tiles to pop but they didn't want to face the remedy. The next owner had nothing but problems as well. Our Winnie was just loaded with things like this and for $200k+. When I see all the glowing reports on Winnies I scratch my head and wonder if I got the only lemon - but then I've talked to enough other Winnie owners to know there are tons of them out there. Our HR Ambassador 40 ft 10 inches had slightly better quality material but quality of assembly was only a little better than the Winnie. We had daylight from a slideout - because only half the slide mechanism had been installed, most speakers were cracked since they were overtightened when installed, the dash faux wood was cracked because screws overtightened, etc. etc.

Our Jayco Greyhawk has far lower quality material content (which one might expect given the price is half the others) and quality of assembly is sure not high.

Frankly, if I were buying again tomorrow I don't know what I'd buy. The chance of getting a poorly built MH is, in my mind, very high.

I hope you don't find too many other problems with yours. It sure helps ruin a trip.


On 4-Jan-08, at 6:28 PM, Kent Savage wrote:


Re: Interesting issues on our Endura

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 372
The drawer support rebuild was one of the first items that I had to
fix. When we bought the MH it was on the PDI list. Was repaired but
did not last the 2,000 mile home. Your fix sounds about the same as mine.
Had the pocket door out while installing the sliding pantry. I checked
the screws did not find any problems yet.
Since you mention the closet on the slide. Bottom of closet was
dragging on carpet pulling up staples. Took a Sawzall and cut 1" off
bottom of cabinet. Then added a 1X4 oak board across front of closet
for support and to cover cut. Newer model Endura 6340's have this upgrade.