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SuperC Info and Discussions / Re: Potty problems
Last post by Fisherck -
I know this is an old thread but reply #5 was the exact problem and fix that I experienced today.  I'm thankful for ALL the great information on this site and hope it stays up a long time! I always check here when experiencing an issue...
SuperC Info and Discussions / Re: Bedroom Slide
Last post by Mikey -
If you haven’t found the answer yet. If I were you I would tak the mattress off, then remove she plywood flooring so you can see what might be sticking. I believe there are bolts at the end bar the hydraulic piston connects to. You can add shims if needed, to time it correctly.
Also check the outside sheet metal flooring to see it it’s is bent or toren, causing it to bunch up on one side or the other.
I ended up taking the out side sheet metal out and adding a 3/16 sheet of metal as a replacement outer floor. That cured my slide issues. It’s a tricky job to jack up the outside and the inside of the slide to get new outer flooring to fit in.i drilled and tapered holes in the 3/16 steel sheet that lined up with the aluminum, cross members. I used self taping counter sunk screws to attaché it. That was 3 years ago.
Just saying. This might be of som help to you
Mike Root (AKA Mikey)
Saint George Utah
Renovations and Improvements / Re: Gererator Slide
Last post by Mikey -
I am wondering if anyone owning  these Class C units has purchased or fabricated some type of apparatus in which the generator cam be EASILY removed?
While I have observed many slide out like used on slide out trays, I have not seen anything that can be used with these generators.
It would appear the generator must be lowered 8 inches or so to clear the compartment before it could be slide outside the compartment.
I would like to hear any thoughts or ideas you have had on this issue.
Hi Don, I’m looking for “Diesel” generator trouble shooting help here. Haven’t seen anything yet!
But as soon as you figure out the slide out tray I’ll be very interested in following in your footsteps!
Mike (AKA) Mikey
In Saint George UT
SuperC Info and Discussions / Bedroom Slide
Last post by brothedj -
I have a 2005 Gulfstream Endura 6340.  My bedroom slide goes out smoothly untill the last 6 to 12 inches when it seems to catch or bind up.  It makes 2 to 3 clunking sounds before it fully extends.  There is 3/4 of inch difference between the front  and back of the slide when extended.

I have read Equalizers bulletion about the timing assembly an the trantorque adjustment.  That ends with any remaining adjust will be done by Gulfstream.  Thus, the entire mechanism would need to be adjusted in order to get the slide to extract evenly.  There are no issues when it retracts,

Has anyone encounteed the clunking and catching when extracting and if so has anyone attempted to re-align the slide..

As always thanks in advance

Doug  Brothers
Renovations and Improvements / Re: Gererator Slide
Last post by Annieclo -
I recently removed my Kohler 4kW gas generator in my Tiara 29, where engine room space is at a premium, to say the least. With it out of the boat, I am really liking it, but I do have a 9000btu air conditioning system that I would like to run while off the dock. I really don't ever plan to overnight away from any docks that don't have shore power, so just looking to run it for when I'm fishing in the hot FL summers to cool off a bit.

The space where it was would be great with an 8d battery or two and inverter/charger. These would be totally separate from the other batteries (currently one starting for each side, and a 2 battery bank fir the house, plus one starting for the generator that would be removed). I would also see about adding a solar panel. I am hoping that these large amp hour batteries these days can do the trick.
General Discussion / Re: Welcome
Last post by Annieclo -
Hi everyone, I am newbie, Its my first post here. I found this place really informative and full of technical help:)
Site Instructional Guides / Duramax fuel filter head replacement
Last post by azdd11 -
Hi All, My Duramax fuel filter head/housing is leaking pressure causing a stall/limp mode.  I have parts to replace it.  It looks simple, 2 bolts, hoses and electric.....but the rear bolt (towards firewall) is not visible/accessible from under the hood or thru the doghouse.  It's appears to be covered by a casting on the bracket.  Any ideas / experience would be appreciated.  Thank you.