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Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Yahoo Message Number: 15371
Hello Group,

This is my first time asking a question but have followed the group for several years. So first of all, "Thanks" to all of you. This is the first place I've turned any time I have had an issue or question.

We have a 2005 Gulf Stream Endura 6340 on a 2004 Chevy gas chassis. We used it almost full time for the first couple of years of retirement but then got bored and went back to work 4 years ago. Since then it's been relegated to 4 or 5 short trips a year and the balance of time sitting in the shed. Issues have all been minor wear and tear stuff. Other then some body work after hitting a bridge in Taos, I've been able to repair and maintain it myself.

On our last Minnesota North Shore trip the jacks would not lift. I was able to retract them manually but it seems the Equalizer 1702 control panel is not functioning. All I get is a low volume buzzer, no lights or function. After pulling a lot of the trouble shooting information (including wiring diagrams)from this site and Equalizer I am somewhat confident the control panel needs repair/replacement. Mark at Equalizer provided more trouble shooting advice but to no avail. I really don't want to spend $1200 plus to upgrade the system. Replacing components on the board is an option but I would be more comfortable with a schematic. Does anyone have one?

Has anyone ever replaced the controller with manual switches? Ideas?

Thanks in advance! Rob

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel!!!!!

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 15373
First check your ground(s). On my BigFoot system the solenoids for each jack are grounded by the mounting bolts into the frame. They have to be extremely tight!

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 15374

I had a similar problem on my 05 Seneca. Turned out a plug had been knocked loose from a component for the leveling system. The plug attached to a box that was mounted in approximately the center of the RV on the ceiling of a compartment. It will be forward of your rear axel in in midline of the Rv. If your rig does not have compartments that go all the way through it might be accessed under your rig. Mine looked like a small junction box.


Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel!!!!!

Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 15376
My two cents on my Levelers: I installed a switch on the board at the fuse (in series) on the leveler circuit board. This turns the Leveler System completely OFF with switch in the OFF position . Doing this stops all unnecessary noises and system checks (like: when restarting engine). Turn back ON only when actually having to level RV. When traveling I make sure the levelers are ALL UP then turn the system OFF.
Added Note:  I've also found that if a operation freezes (happens to me sometimes moving one leveler then proceeding to move another) turning the Switch from ON to OFF back ON resets system and allows me to continue with Leveling.

Tom Edelman '06 Gulfstream Endura  6331 with manual Leveling.

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 15377
I did a write up on how to install switches to by pass 1702 control board. But does not seem to have posted. Must be Yahoo. I will do it again.
Slides are run the same as Jacks. When one of the slide wall switches are pressed. Pump is run in direction that slide is to move. The valve for moving that slide is opened. To change direction pump is run in opposite direction by pressing other side of switch and valve is opened for that slide.
The main difference for jacks is the ability to raise all jacks at the same time. Using this information I would purchase 3 momentary OFF/ON switches to open the valves for right rear, left rear and front. 1 momentary ON/OFF/ON switch to run the pump in either direction. 1 OFF/ON switch to turn on power to the other 4 switches. This could also be a key switch for safety. Relays could be added for engine of and emergency brake control of power to switches. A 5th switch could be added to retract all the jacks. It would open the 3 jack valves and run pump in correct direction to raise jacks. The problem I see with this switch is no interlocks and shut off the the 1702 board provides and would require 4 relays. A momentary switch may solve this problem. All the wires needed to wire above switches would be found on the wire harness/connector to the 1702 board. There should be a wiring diagram for board on Equalizer Systems site.
Feel free to ask questions.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 15378
I would uses switches similar to

JR Products 12825 Black DPDT Mom-On/Off/Mom-On Switch
This is the same switch I used to upgrade my slide switches in another post.

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel!!!!!

Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 15379
I have never had the problem with board locking up. But remember another post about installing a switch to kill the board. Thought I had made a note to myself to add this switch. But it was never done. Back on my list. Thanks for the reminder.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 15380
Thanks Ron,

I look forward to seeing your write-up. The scope of work you described sounds good, I might wire in small four LED's to the jack switches confirming they are retracted. I'd like to better understand the operation of the bi-directional motor wiring. Is it as simple as reversing the voltage to the solenoid? Might you have Wiring Harness # 1795?

Thanks to everyone for their input!

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 15381
2005 Kodiak 5500 I have a diesel but just the same if you have a drivers side dinette, extend the slide and at floor level below mirror you will find a small screw on panel. Open it and see if a plastic control box about three inches X four inches with plug in wires came undone.
I had a water line leak from a rub against metal strap and found this box. Thinking it may be for the hydraulic system.

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 15382
Pump is run by a solenoid that reverses direction of pump. That's why it can be run by small relays that are on 1702 board.
I bought some Blue Sea Systems 12-24 LED's for my indicator lights in projects off Amazon. They work well. Much better than others I have bought. They also come in 120 volt AC and various colors.
Not sure about the cable number. I do not see a number on the cable. It does look like each wire is printed with what it does. I will need to investigate this later.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 15383
The jack operate the same as slides do for moving in and out. Pump direction is changed to move slides in and out. Opening a valve determines which slide moves in and out. Jacks work similar except for the ability to raise all of them at same time.
To replace the control board you would need a switch to run the pump forward and reverse. Could be momentary on/off/on. 3 other switches will be needed for right rear, left rear and front. They should be momentary on. One additional switch to turn power on to all switches.
I would use this switch on amazon for the forward and reverse of pump. JR Products 12825 Black DPDT Mom-On/Off/Mom-On Switch: Automotive

For valves I would use a similar momentary off/on switches to run each valve. For off on you could use similar on or off switch as above or a key operated switch for protection. All the wires going to the 1702 board should be all you need for wiring. I believe you will find a wiring diagram from Equalizer Systems for those connection.
I did not include any protection for having engine off or emergency brake on before using the switches If I was doing this upgrade I might include relays to power circuit for safety.
Hope I have made this clear enough for you to understand. Please feel free to ask more questions.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 15384
The wiring diagram of the "12 Position Plug on the back side of Control Panel #1703" on the drawing labeled: Standard Motor Home Harness identifies a 6 Position Plug to Pump Harness #1795. Maybe I'll give Mark at Equalizer a call to see if he has it.

I think the box John is describing is for the Equalizer "AutoLevel" system? Mine is a 1703 manual system.

Thanks to all, Rob

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 15385
The wring diagram/pin assignment can be found on last page of the Manual Control Panel (old Platform) trouble shooting guide. It's for a pressure switch system. But most of the wires are the same.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 15386
Back a few years ago it was mentioned to me that one of the reason for failures was pushing on more than one switch at a time. My problem turned out to be our dog walking on control panel. I made a clear Lexan cover for my switch panel. Adding a switch is added protection for the control panel. I will take a picture of cover when I complete install of switch.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 15387
Got the switch installed on side of console. I only had a 20 amp switch. So I used a 40 amp relay. Did not want switch to have same capacity as fuse on control board. Attached is a picture.
Needs some serious cleaning.
While it is not pretty. There is Velcro on a couple of side pieces screwed to Lexan. That's the white fuzz in picture. Velcro on side of console is black. When I clean up this area later this month. I will put black Velcro on side of Lexan side pieces.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel!!!!!

Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 15482
Good morning folks, I finally got around to rebuilding my Equalizer controls. I found switches at Graingers for about $9.00 each; LED lights at Radio Shack for a couple of bucks each and the key switch on line for $8.00. They mounted perfectly in the dash switch panel and work like a dream. The only issue is some coil chatter/feedback if I fire all three solenoids at once to retract the jacks. A diode in each line would solve the problem. Until then I'll probably retract the rear ones first then the front ones. Thanks to everyone for their input. On the the next project: remove/rebuild both slides and new hardwood floors.


On Monday, August 1, 2016 7:33 PM, "ronjhall@... [SuperCrvgroup]"  wrote:

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel!!!!! [2 Attachments]

Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 15483
Rob, Great looking job! Looks factory installed!!


Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #20
Yahoo Message Number: 15377
I did a write up on how to install switches to by pass 1702 control board. But does not seem to have posted. Must be Yahoo. I will do it again.
Slides are run the same as Jacks. When one of the slide wall switches are pressed. Pump is run in direction that slide is to move. The valve for moving that slide is opened. To change direction pump is run in opposite direction by pressing other side of switch and valve is opened for that slide.
The main difference for jacks is the ability to raise all jacks at the same time. Using this information I would purchase 3 momentary OFF/ON switches to open the valves for right rear, left rear and front. 1 momentary ON/OFF/ON switch to run the pump in either direction. 1 OFF/ON switch to turn on power to the other 4 switches. This could also be a key switch for safety. Relays could be added for engine of and emergency brake control of power to switches. A 5th switch could be added to retract all the jacks. It would open the 3 jack valves and run pump in correct direction to raise jacks. The problem I see with this switch is no interlocks and shut off the the 1702 board provides and would require 4 relays. A momentary switch may solve this problem. All the wires needed to wire above switches would be found on the wire harness/connector to the 1702 board. There should be a wiring diagram for board on Equalizer Systems site.
Feel free to ask questions.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #21
Good afternoon Ron
I just purchase a Golfstream Ultra Supreme  32' and i do have a problem with the control and i can not find any replacement unless i have to buy a $1600 convertion kit.
I am wondering if you work to operate those legs with only taggle swiches and if so you should have some sketches and switches required .
I would like appreciate your assistance.
Jean Prudhomme
cell 754-366-1780

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #22
I never replaced my control panel. After some research I found that ground wire at valves was bad. I was also having problems with slides not operating properly. Put new ground wire directly to battery.
Here is link to wire harness drawing to control panel.;sa=item;in=926#viewitem  It can also be found under Media, Files and look for my name. Lots of other drawings there also.
Ron Hall

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #23
I have a 6340 2005 Gulfstream.  My jacks are extracted and will not retract.  The control panel has lights but none of the buttons will all retract or individually retract.  I put my big slide in before I tried to retract the jacks and it came in very slowly.  The temp is around 50.  Now the neither of the slides will activate also.  It appears to be something with the hydraulic pump, the relay on the pump.  The Equalizer documentation says there is a 12 volt 50 amp breaker in the forward or outside electrical compartment.  Does anybody have a clue where this would be located and/or ideas how to troubleshoot the problem thanks

Doug Brothers
2005 Gulfstream Endura 6340

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #24
I repaired a ground near the pump and my simular problem was corrected. The compartment to the left of the entry door has a black metal access cover inside on the back wall which needs to be removed to see the breakers.

Re: Equalizer 1702 Control Panel

Reply #25
Thanks, I should have looked in that box years ago.  Never did, now I will Doug