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Topic: To rally or not to rally? That is the question... (Read 9064 times) previous topic - next topic
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To rally or not to rally? That is the question...

Yahoo Message Number: 3295
Kodiak Gang:
Russ Hill and his lovely wife Claudia had a chance encounter with Sandy and I outside of Yellowstone National Park this summer. It was a great visit and I learned a lot from the work he had done on both his Coach and Tow vehicle. In our dialogue since Russ floated the idea of trying to get other Kodiak lovers to have a rally - perhaps piggybacked on another event (e.g. Quartzsite...)
My questions are:
1)Has this group ever gotten together before?
2)Is there a natural rally that we could piggy back on and where we might get good attendance?
One issue of trying to piggy back another event is that not all of us may be members of any one club: Escapees, FMCA, Good Sam, etc. Not all of us have the same manufacturer either which makes a Manufacturer's show less than optimal.
Still there may be some convergence around events - Say the Balloon Race in Albuquerque , or The Rally in Louisville Kentucky that makes sense.
Thoughts and suggestions welcome.

Re: To rally or not to rally? That is the question...

Reply #1
Yahoo Message Number: 3296
Never thought about it as we never have been to a rally before. Sounds like it might be interesting

Re: To rally or not to rally? That is the question...

Reply #2
Yahoo Message Number: 3297
A Kodiak Chassis Rally sounds good to me. Around or close to the summer Good Sam rally in Louisville would be a good place. Although we do not usually travel in the summer. I would take the MH out of mothballs for this kind of rally.
I like the Rally's. Just pay for your site and enjoy your fellow RVer. Not sure what would be available at that time of year. Will have to investigate. Weather permitting, I can check some parks south of Louisville when we leave next month.
Another option is to do a rally in Elkhart area. Maybe we could get some support from the manufactures in the area.
Throw some more ideas out. We may be able to get something together that will work for us owners.
Ron Hall

Re: To rally or not to rally? That is the question...

Reply #3
Yahoo Message Number: 3298
Great idea! East of the Mississippi would be best for us during the summer. Ron you will need to rent a BIG trailer to carry all the tools and materials needed to do all the upgrades everyone will want... :-) Bill

Re: To rally or not to rally? That is the question...

Reply #4
Yahoo Message Number: 3299
LOL. Not going to happen. If you want that you have to come to MI.
The Good Sam Rally is July 22-25 2010. Anybody got a problem with the weekend before? July 15-21 time frame.



Reply #5
Yahoo Message Number: 3300
This sounds like a great idea. Maybe the first one sould be the kodiak crew, anyway we live in British Columbia so let us know where and when and we will be there.


Reply #6
Yahoo Message Number: 5717
Have booked into spot 6058 for rally, see you then. Arriving 16th afternoon, leaing the 21st.

As always travel safe and enjoy.

Re: rally

Reply #7
Yahoo Message Number: 5718
Hello John
With your reservation we now have 7 Kodiak Chassis MH's attending. We still plan to meet you sometime in January in the Valley.
Your picture is posted already.
Ron Hall


Reply #8
Yahoo Message Number: 3301
I know is sounds early but if we are going to have a rally should start planning. Question (1) How many would be interested in attending, (2) What time of summer of fall to have it (3) where to have it (4) a coordinator be selected to organize things.

Re: Rally

Reply #9
Yahoo Message Number: 3303
John Meredith wrote:

I know is sounds early but if we are going to have a rally should start

I'd love to attend if it's possible. It looks like my wife's job is
either going away or being severely cut back after the first of the
year, so economics may kill it for me. I just don't know where we'll be
by then. I'd love to meet the groups if we can though.

Take care,

Re: Rally

Reply #10
Yahoo Message Number: 3304
Monday I will call one of the RV Parks that I have stayed at before in Elkhart. See If they can take 20 + RV's around July 22 to 25th time frame. That way attendees can go to Good Sam rally the next week.
Ron Hall

Re: Rally

Reply #11
Yahoo Message Number: 3306
What about the week after Labour Day the weather will still be good and the parks will be better to accommodate a large number of rigs.

Elkhart area sounds good as most of our rigs are made in that area. What possibility of a tour of one of the plants.

Re: Rally

Reply #12
Yahoo Message Number: 3307

Its never too early to plan fun!

(1) Count me in.
(2) Either time frame works well.
(3) Where ? Both mentions so far are good with me.
(4) Maybe offer the coordinator an assistant to help out if needed.


Re: Rally

Reply #13
Yahoo Message Number: 3308
Weekend after labor day works for us also. The July date lets owners that have kids in school attend. Vacation and 2 rally's in one trip. Last Rally we had in Elkhart. A Jayco plant tour was planned. Had about 20 people secluded to go. Jayco canceled. Did a tour of Damon and Silver Crown. Both on 12 hour notice.


Reply #14
Yahoo Message Number: 3311
I would prefur September but the majority will rule. Attach to this message whether you can attend and what date you would prefur and I like Elkhard for the location. Russ you mention you will be comming from California, do you live there? We are leaving British Columbia for our yearly treck south to Texas, if you are close to our trip through California maybe we can get together for a drink or 2 or 12.

Re: Rally

Reply #15
Yahoo Message Number: 3312
John Meredith wrote:

I would prefer September but the majority will rule.

I'll go with the majority, especially since my wife's job situation
after the first of the year will dictate what happens with us. September
and April/May are my travel months for the magazine I do some work for
so those months are out for me no matter what.

Take care,

Re: Rally

Reply #16
Yahoo Message Number: 3332
I have not done the RV park calling yet. Got an unexpected family visit this week. Have been enjoying their company. Will get on it this coming week.
Ron Hall

Re: Rally

Reply #17
Yahoo Message Number: 3337
Count me in as of now. Have been to the factory many times and have friends both in the area and at the factory. Time to stock up at the Amish grocery store anyway. Dane

Re: Rally

Reply #18
Yahoo Message Number: 3338
I got hold of Elkhart Campground. At this time I have reserved 20 sites with full hookups. July 15th to 18th 2010.

Elkhart Campground
Address: 25608 County Road 4
    Elkhart, IN 46514
Phone:     (574) 264-2914
Lat, Lon: 41.73814, -85.95878

No signup required to attend this rally. Just make your reservation for the Kodiak Rally. Then post here that you have a reservation. I will try to keep track of who has signed up. Then post it here. At sometime after the forum has had a chance to sign up and we have not met the 20 site reservations I will post the rally on offering reservations to anyone that has a Kodiak Chassis Class C to join us. May do this even if we have the 20 sites reserved. As long as campground has sites. Sites are $32 plus tax for a 50amp site.
Do not rush making the reservation until I sign a commitment for the sites. Should have that done by end of next week.
For those that have never been to Elkhart Campground. It is a nice park near all the activities in Elkhart. Many of the sites are gravel and grass. Not to far to Jayco and Fourwinds. Gulf Stream is about 30 miles south.
Please ask questions. I am sure some of the others will help with tours and other item. Tours will probably happen during weekdays. So plan your trip accordingly.
I will work as a coordinator until someone else steps up. But would appreciate any help with tours badges and any other activity that attendees want to participate in.
Enough for now. We have a place and dates. How many want to attend.
Ron Hall

Re: Rally

Reply #19
Yahoo Message Number: 3368
Sending in papers today. Park requires a refundable $50 deposit on the meeting hall. It requires that we keep the hall as clean as we found it. I sent this in. Anybody that wants to contact me can call me at 248-956-0595. You should be able to make reservation at anytime from now on. Looking forward to meeting many of our fellow Kodiak owners.
Ron Hall

Re: Rally

Reply #21
Yahoo Message Number: 3416
We are on the road. Heading to a warmer climate. I hope.
Could all that have a reservation or plan to attend contact me.

Please include-

Name, Include all persons that are attending. Will make name tags with info.

Where from. State & city.

How many in party.

Date of arrival.

Internet name.

You can contact me through this forum or call at. 248-956-0595.

Re: Rally

Reply #22
Yahoo Message Number: 3420
Ron any ideas yet where they are going to put us in the park ? Was looking at the park layout and just curious as I sit here, already getting into the 'ole hit
the road mode !!!!

ronjhallsr wrote:

Re: Rally

Reply #23
Yahoo Message Number: 3421
I have not asked that question yet. Last time I was there for a rally. We stayed to 210, 310 and 410 rows.
Ron Hall

Re: Rally

Reply #24
Yahoo Message Number: 3440
I got hold of Elkhart Campground. At this time I have reserved 20 sites with full hookups. July 15th to 18th 2010.

Just made reservations and looking forward to meeting "the gang".
